Ms. Butler has been asked to present on how to use virtual debates as part of the Argument Writing as part of Teachers College Reading and Writers Program Argumentation Institution.
This is the live debate that occurred between South Orange Middle School's (SOMS) Ms. Butlers 6th grade class and students from Ms. Levines 7th grade. They are debating the merits of homework.
The Pro Side - homework is beneficial
The Con Side- homework is not beneficial
You can follow the twitter feed of the debate using the hashtag: #tcrwpargument
You can also view the Todays Meet Forum at:
The students will be live tweeting and discussing the debate on both Twitter and Todays Meet.
This is the live debate that occurred between South Orange Middle School's (SOMS) Ms. Butlers 6th grade class and students from Ms. Levines 7th grade. They are debating the merits of homework.
The Pro Side - homework is beneficial
The Con Side- homework is not beneficial
You can follow the twitter feed of the debate using the hashtag: #tcrwpargument
You can also view the Todays Meet Forum at:
The students will be live tweeting and discussing the debate on both Twitter and Todays Meet.